by Odey


€ 15.52

RAISED OUT Of ₦ 1500000.00 goal



0.001 %



This campaign has ended

The Read2Lead campaign is a program targeted at achieving four cardinal objectives: To help breed a new generation of excellent students who are passionate about proffering solution to problems in the society instead of being the problem themselves. Rebuild the backbone of true education (Reading Culture) amongst our young people. Spark a passion amongst young people for mental capacity development, And finally Improve the rate of Academic Excellence. We are focused on reaching over 2,000 students of SS1-3 with seminars on how to excel in external examinations and distribute free copies of the amazing book "3 Massive blunders that make students fail know them, Avoid them" to them. Join us make this a reality. And get into the competition to get one free copy. Let's make it happen. +2347030161066 @GreatnessAriel1
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€ 15.52

Konstantinos Maragkos

11/23/2019 7:02:15 PM